Our company has relationships with many government agencies across the country. We audit these agencies to locate money owed to people like you!                                                                                                                                                            If you've received a call or a letter from us, we have located money that we believe belongs to you or a family member of yours. Contact us immediately to confirm that you are, in fact the recipient that we have been searching for.            

Once you have spoken with a representative of our firm and verbally agreed to allow us to work your claim, we will then set up a time for you to meet with a local notary to go over any necessary paperwork, which includes our contingency agreement, the official claim forms from the government agency, and a document allowing us to act as your agent, and deal with the government agencies on your behalf, and the notary will inform you of the amount of your claim, and where it is being held, so you'll always know what's going on.                                                                                         

O. Ruffin Investments is an auditing firm that works on a contingency basis meaning, there are no out of pocket costs to you, AT ALL, EVER, to process your claim. We pay for all necessary expenses to work your claim, from the cost to have documents notarized, to any government fees associated with the claim, to mailing or other clerical expenses necessary. If we are successful in recovering your funds, we will then split whatever we can recover.                    

After meeting with you, the notary will overnight express mail all of the documents to our office, and we will begin processing your claim within 48 hours (usually the same day we receive the documents). Claims are almost always processed within two weeks, sometimes much sooner, then days after the claim is approved, we disburse the funds to you via overnight mail. 

It's as simple as that. All you have to do is decide what to do with the cash!